Auto insurance provides safety and financial security for drivers all over the country. Laws vary from state to state on liability insurance minimums, mandatory coverage and even obligations on what documents to carry in your vehicle.
- If you have a vehicle and that will be operated on a public road, it must be registered and insured.
- If you’re pulled over and cannot prove that you have liability insurance, you have the risk of a minimum $500 fine, and possible suspension of car plus court costs.
- For California, the minimums are $15,000 for injury or death of one person and $30,000 for injury or death of more than one person; and at least a $5,000 property damage maximum for one accident.
- Under the California Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law, insurance companies are obligated to report private –vehicle policies to the state.
California Department of Insurance
Consumer Services Division
300 South Spring Street, South Tower
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Web Site:
Consumer Hotline
Toll Free: 1-800-927-HELP (4357)
Phone: 1-213-897-8921
California (CA) Mandatory Auto Insurance Minimums:
- Liability: 15/30/5 = Bodily Injury Individual/Bodily Injury Total Per Accident/Property Damage
- Regulations Regarding Proof of Insurance: Proof Required – When Obtaining Registration, If Involved In An Accident, If Stopped By Authorities When Driving
- Penalties For Not Carrying Mandatory Insurance: First Offense = Fine of up to $200